Manipulation of all kinds is the norm at big corporations. Corporations are incredible at what they do because they have had ample time to perfect the practice. And if that practice is in manipulating employees, you bet ya, they have perfected it too.
đź“– Manipulator’s Handbook
steps to success for a master manipulator
- Make the target feel like they are in control and the decisions they make are their own
- Pull levers that you know only you have the power to leverage
- Create a sense of urgency to accept your terms
- Create obstacles to exploring alternatives to create a sense of superiority of one choice over others
- Strategically place reminders of impermanence & instability to suggest how lucky the target is to be where they are and how grateful they should be
- Exploit imposter syndrome, market volatility, and any and all world state conditions in your favor
The result? Your target will do exactly what you want, when you want, will apologize profusely for ever thinking you were not God Almighty, and will thank you for the opportunity to slave for you for another couple of years.
Staff. Retention. Achieved.
Wait, am I the sucker?
If you’re bringing in that big paycheck at FAANG or the likes, chances are, you’re too deep in that quicksand to get out. Every year you tell yourself and your family “one more year” and “after this project is over” and “just as soon as I get this promotion”, but every year the next incentive comes up.
One particularly crafty strategy is bumping your pay without giving you a promotion. They tell you that you’re “out of band” because of how great of a job you did, so you feel grateful for getting paid so much above your peers. At the same time, your title does not reflect your pay, so should you try to apply for a job elsewhere, you’ll have a hard time finding a role with equivalent pay.
Woah, a brilliant trap!
So when you find yourself grappling with a choice between your absurdly high pay for your current title and taking a chance elsewhere by taking a paycut, it’s a no-brainer: you gotta follow the money.
What you may not realize is that it wasn’t really a choice to begin with, it’s a carefully thought through and polished technique to keep you in the matrix.
Get Out
Look, FAANG are amazing at giving you all kinds of skills (especially at the start of your career), great brand names on your resume; and the big paycheck is just so god darn handy in a tight spot. And if you love your job, that’s great! Good for you.
You just have to be ok with being manipulated through compensation.
Getting out is easiest for those with fewer financial obligations. But there’s hope for the rest of us too. Just open your eyes.