compensation manipulation

Manipulation of all kinds is the norm at big corporations. Corporations are incredible at what they do because they have had ample time to perfect the practice. And if that practice is in manipulating employees, you bet ya, they have perfected it too. 📖 Manipulator’s Handbook steps to success for a master manipulator Make the target feel like they are in control and the decisions they make are their own Pull levers that you know only you have the power to leverage Create a sense of urgency to accept your terms Create obstacles to exploring alternatives to create a sense of superiority of one choice over others Strategically place reminders of impermanence & instability to suggest how lucky the target is to be where they are and how grateful they should be Exploit imposter syndrome, market volatility, and any and all world state conditions in your favor The result?...

April 4, 2024 Â· 3 min Â· 479 words Â· @the.oneandonlyamericancontributor

thoughts about tech blogs

Usually when people write tech blogs, the blog functions a bit like an online portfolio. Technologies/code snippets contained within the posts serve as evidence of the authors’ expertise in the eyes of potential employers/vendors/clients. If we follow this train of thought then the posts, by their nature, might have to be quite moderated and uncontrovesial for fear of alienating the audience. An unfortunate side effect of this moderation could be that useful (and honest) opinions about certain technologies or trends could be self-censored by the authors....

August 6, 2023 Â· 2 min Â· 327 words Â· @the.editor